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We're here for you too
Did you know that UHL Libraries & Information Servies is the library service for Leicestershire Partnership Trust staff as well? We are hosted by UHL but we have a full service contract with LPT meaning that all LPT staff can become full members of our libraries and can use all of the services that we offer.

While there are some differences in the resources available due to contractual regulations, we will still off the best possible service to anyone employed by LPT. See what impact our services & resources can make in this story about an LPT pharmacist.

We are the department for evidence-based healthcare in Leicestershire.

OpenAthens accounts
All NHS staff should have an OpenAthens account. They are available free and allow access to a whole range of online information resources, including databases, e-journals and e-books. They are simple to get hold of as long as you follow these simple steps:

  • On any device (does not need to be on the NHS network) go to www.uhl-library.nhs.uk/athens
  • Fill in the form, including entering your email address (ideally an NHS email address) when prompted.
  • When asked to enter your organisation, type 'leicestershire' and choose LPT from the list that appears.
  • When finished, click on 'Register'. You will be given a username on the next page.
  • Finally, follow the instructions in the email sent to the email address you entered. This will enable you to choose a password. Your Athens account should be ready to work straight away.

Contact us if you have any problems or questions.

All LPT staff can be full members of UHL Libraries & Information Services. We will be delighted to assist you in finding, using or creating evidence. While we encourage people to join the library, we only insist on it if you want to borrow items, or visit the library outside staffed hours. An online registration form is available or you can visit us. Services available to you include:
  • Literature searching service - ask us for a search to assist your work or research
  • Access to our training courses - finding information, critical appraisal skills, writing skills, health literacy
  • Document delivery - we will get articles or books for you whether we purchase them or not
  • Professional advice on searching, accessing or using information
  • 24 hour access to the libraies
  • Borrow up to 6 items
  • Access to our non-medical "Time Out" collection of books and DVDs

If you have any questions on this, or if we can help in any other way, just get in touch.

Information resources
These are the main information resources available to LPT staff:
Resource Description Password
Cochrane Library Access to high quality systematic reviews. None
BMJ Best Practice Evidence-based summaries that can be used to support patient care at the point of need. Athens
Library catalogue Details of the print and ebooks available through us. None
Journal catalogue Find out how to access specific journals in print, online or on request. Athens
Databases A variety of databases where you can search for articles and documents on a subjects, including mental health, learning disabilities, nursing, allied health and health management. Athens
Library & Knowledge Hub Single search engine which will enable you to find reliable evidence, including guidelines, from a selected set. Athens (login to get fulltext where available)
TRIP database Single search for finding high quality information, including guidelines. None
BNF / BNFC BNF and BNF for Children are the main medicines formularies for use in the United Kingdom. Athens (then click on 'Dashboard')

More information resources are available, details of which can be found in the main resources of our website. For help or advice on these or other resources, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

Our social media:
Our YouTube channel
Follow us on Twitter: @uhllib
Library catalogue
The department for
evidence-based healthcare
in the Leicestershire NHS

See what impact our
services & resources
can make in this story about an
LPT pharmacist.


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Copyright © University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, 2014
UHL Libraries & Information Services is part of
the Department of Clinical Education.
NHS Choices