| The only place where you can find UHL approved policies & guidelines. | No password required |
 | Full text access to high quality systematic reviews by the Cochrane Collaboration. | No password is required for access Mobile app - Information on getting access via your mobile device
 | A 'point of care' resource giving summaries of evidence in a format that directly supports clinical decision making. Want to learn more about DynaMed? Watch this short video.Only available to UHL Athens account holders or from a UHL computer. | On-site access - No password required from a UHL computer Off-site access - UHL Athens account required for access Mobile app - Information on getting access via your mobile device
 | A 'point of care' resource giving summaries of evidence in a format that directly supports clinical decision making. Only available to UHL Athens account holders or from a UHL computer. | On-site access - No password required from a UHL computer Off-site access - UHL Athens account required for access Mobile app - Information on getting access via your mobile device
 | Tenth edition of the evidence-based guide to nursing procedures. With over 200 detailed guidelines covering a wide range of nursing tasks. | On-site access - No password required from a UHL computer Off-site access - UHL Athens account required for access |
 | A 'point of care' resource giving summaries of evidence in a format that directly supports clinical decision making. | On-site access - No password required from a UHL computer Off-site access - NHS Athens account required for access. (First time user? You may need to register for a personal account even though you are logging in using Athens.) Mobile app - Information on getting access via your mobile device |