Please note that images found on the internet are covered by copyright law. Please check the terms and conditions for each site to see how they can lawfully be used.
UpToDate - See below for access options
An excellent source of images, tables & diagrams that can be used for any non-commercial purpose by UHL staff.
On-site access - No password required from a UHL computer
Off-site access - UHL Athens account required for access
Wellcome images - No password required
Historical and comtemporary pictures from the Wellcome Library.
Hardin.MD - No password required
Medical pictures from the University of Iowa.
Images from the History of Medicine - No password required
A whole range of images, including photographs and posters illustrating medicine from the 15th century onwards. Provided by the U.S. National Library for Medicine.
Health Education Assets Library - No password required
Images focusing on health sciences education from the University of Utah.
Pediatric surgery image bank - No password required
Clinical, intraoperative and radiologic images related to pediatric surgery from Brown University.
Pexels - No password required
Tens of thousands of images available under the Creative Commons Zero licence. - No password required
Another source of images available for use under the Creative Commons Zero licence, with more added evey week.
Nappy - No password required
Free to use photographs of black and brown people.
Unsplash - No password required
Search for freely-usable high resolution photos.
Gratisography - No password required
Unique. Quirky. Odd. Free images with a difference.
RawPixel - No password required Free images of all sorts, but particularly useful as a source of images of teaching.