You are here: Homepage > Our services > Keeping you up-to-date
Listed below are some of the ways UHL Libraries & information services can help you keep up-to-date with the latest information research and evidence. Please contact one of the libraries for more information.
Clinical Audit - newly published articles
The UHL Clinical Librarian team produce monthly updates which highlight new articles relating to clinical audit, filtered to UK/NHS. You can view the MEDLINE results here, the CINAHL results here and the EMBASE results here.
Evidence updates
The UHL Clinical Librarian Service produces evidence updates for a range of specialties, which detail the latest practice changing evidence. Some of these updates are no longer being produced but a comprehensive current awareness service is available using the KnowledgeShare resource. You can change settings to tailor the bulletins to your requirements. This is current awareness that puts you in control. To ask us to sign you up, simply fill in this online form. |  |
Publication of the week
We'll highlight an interesting or important publication related to health care to help you keep up-to-date with the latest views and recommendations.
Electronic Tables of Contents (Etocs)
Get sent email alerts from your chosen journals straight to your desktop as soon as new content goes online.
Search alerts
Search for information on a topic that you are interested in and when new content is added that meets your search criteria, the new results will be emailed directly to you.
Latest books in stock
The libraries display a list of books added to our collection in the major subject areas. We can also email the list to you or you can download it here .
Recent publications by local authors
UHL Libraries & Information Services produce a regular list of publications by healthcare staff based in Leicestershire. The articles can be requested through the library service. A "live" search can be produced in PubMed using this link.
Email alerts and RSS feeds
These are used to publish frequently updated information. Many medical resources use them to keep readers up-to-date. Look for links on your favourite web sites and resources and sign up to be alerted about updates. Library staff are happy to give advice on the use of RSS feeds and email alerts. |