Let us help you find, use or create information during one of our scheduled training sessions. Advance dates are available on our online training calendar, and bookings can be made, via KnowledgeShare (UHL or LPT Athens password required) or on HELM (UHL staff). For more information, please contact one of the libraries.
If you can't make one of the scheduled sessions, contact one of the libraries and we will arrange a time with you individually or with a group of your colleagues.
More details
Find out more about our training courses:
Finding High Quality Information - Where to Start?
A step-by-step guide to searching for literature
Critical Reading Made Easy: Introduction to Research Methodologies & Statistics
Critical Reading Made Easy: Practical Appraisal
Health Literacy Awareness
Writing for Publication
Easier referencing
- A step-by-step guide to searching for literature (full version) 
- A step-by-step guide to searching for literature (summary version) 
- Searching databases using the Ovid interface 
- Searching databases using the EBSCO interface 
- Searching databases using the ProQuest interface 
- Searching multiple databases using the Ovid interface 
- Guide on how to use various functions on each of the database interfaces 
- RefWorks: getting started 
Health Education England have produced some e-learning on literature searching. You can access this collection of modules here. Please be aware that these modules are not created by us and may differ a little from how we teach these skills in our training.