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Main healthcare databases

There are two ways to search the main healthcare databases:

Quick searches can be done via the Knowledge & Library Hub, but please note that results will be found from many different resources, not just the main databases. It is also important to note that while the Hub will search Medline and CINAHL, it will not search in Embase and Emcare. To check which databases are being searched, check the database filter on the left-hand side of the search results page.

To search Embase, Emcare, PsychINFO or to do a more structured and detailed search in Medline or CINAHL, please use the individual databases.

Bullet Knowledge & Library Hub for UHL staff - UHL Athens account required for best results
Bullet Knowledge & Library Hub for LPT & primary care staff - Log in with Athens for best results
Which resources are searched through the Knowledge & Library Hub? Find out here.

To search the databases directly, please use the corresponding links below. We recommend using the interface that contains most of the databases that you want to search.
Supplier: Ovid
Generally recommended for medical/drug searches
Ovid search guide
Supplier: EBSCO
Generally recommended for nursing/AHP searches
EBSCO search guide
Supplier: ProQuest
ProQuest search guide
General healthcare, including medicine and dentistry
General healthcare, including medicine and dentistry
General healthcare, including medicine and dentistry
Healthcare generally, especially medicines and pharmacology
[UHL Athens accounts only]
Psychology and psychiatry
[All NHS Athens accounts]
Psychology and psychiatry
Nursing and allied health
Nursing and allied health
British Nursing Index
Nursing and midwifery literature
Management and quality of health and social care
Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection
Includes psychology and councelling
Allied and complementary medicine
(Opens in the Dialog platform)

If you need any help doing a literature search, you can use our step-by-step guide to doing a literature search or you should feel free to contact us.

Other databases

Bullet PubMed - No password required for access
The public version of the Medline database. A useful place for a quick search but we believe that there better places to look for in depth literature searching. It also doesn't contain information on how to get access to the full-text of articles.

Bullet TRIP - No password required for access
Single search point that allows you to find high quality evidence as quickly as possible. Read more information about TRIP.

BulletTransfusion Evidence Library (Transfusion medicine) - No password required for access
A database of systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials that are relevant to transfusion medicine.

BulletSocial Policy and Practice- NHS Athens account required for access
A database which brings together data from the 5 leading collections of social policy and practice, including AgeInfo, NSPCC, Planex, Social Care Online and ChildData. It will be available at least until March 2024.

BulletPEDro (Physiotherapy) - No password required for access
PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence Database) is a specialist database of randomised trials, reviews and guidelines in the field of physiotherapy.

Bullet OTseeker (Occupational Therapy) - No password required for access
OTseeker (Occupational Therapy Systematic Evaluation of Evidence) is a database of resources, including randomised controlled trials and systematic reviews, related to occupational therapy.

Bullet DORIS (Stroke research) - Free registration process required
DORIS (Database Of Research In Stroke) is a database of guidelines, systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials and ongoing research related to stroke.

Bullet ERIC (Education Resource Information Center) - No password required
Journal articles, reports and conference papers on education and related fields. Material in ERIC is addedd after it has been through a formal review process.

Bullet FDAAA Trials Tracker - No password required
This database lists clinical trials that have not yet reported their results so that it is easier to find this unpublished evidence.

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